Insurance Discounts

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As a Rizk Insurance client, we work hard to save you money. There are many options of insurance discounts available. Working with an Insurance Broker will help you navigate these discounts and ensure you have access to the best insurance rates around. Some of the general insurance discounts you may be eligible for include:

1. Credit Score. Having a good credit score may result in reduced insurance rates.
2. Organizations. That group or organization you are involved in may just be the key to reduced insurance rates. Some organizations have relationships with insurance companies that result in preferential insurance rate for members. Discuss with your Insurance Broker the various groups you are a member of.
3. Employment. Certain professions may result in reduced insurance rates.
4. Multiple Policies. Bundling your home and auto insurance can help save you money on your insurance premiums.
5. Loyalty. Many insurance companies offer loyalty discounts for clients who have been with them for a long period of time.
6. Car Insurance Discounts. Depending on the type of driver you are, your vehicle, theft determent and the number of tickets you have, you may be eligible for car insurance discounts. Check out our blog ‘How is your Car Insurance Calculated?’ to find out more on car insurance discounts.

We can work with you to determine whether you are eligible for any of the above insurance discounts and others.

If you ever have questions regarding your insurance policy or coverage in general, contact Rizk Insurance today and we’ll help answer any inquiries you may have.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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