What To Do After A Hailstorm

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Once the storm subsides it is important to examine your homes exterior, property structures, your vehicle, trailer or any other recreational vehicles you may own. When conducting your visual assessment on your home, ensure you do not overlook your gutters, siding, roof and windows. Make sure to take photos and document the date and time of the storm. If possible, take a photo of a piece of the hail with a coin beside to act as a reference for size.

If your home or vehicle is at risk of further damage, it is important to take the necessary steps to mitigate further devastation.  This includes boarding up broken windows and doors and covering any roof damage with tarps or plywood.  Save all of your receipts for these repairs.  For your vehicle, cover any broken windows with tarps or plastic sheeting and remove any wet items from the vehicles interior.

Preparing a preliminary inventory of damages that you can pass along to your Insurance Adjuster will assist in opening your claim. Once your file has been started, an Adjustor will be assigned and will contact you to schedule a date and time to assess the damages to your property. If your vehicle sustained damage, your Insurance Adjuster will provide you with a list of approved repair shops at which your vehicle can be assessed, or you can select a repair shop of your choosing. As your assessments are complete, your Insurance Adjuster will discuss your options for repairing the damage.

When repairing your home remember that your insurance will replace damaged items with the same type and quality of materials.  If you decide to upgrade your home with more expensive materials you will need to pay the additional costs.

Do you have questions on this article or about insurance in general?  Contact Rizk Insurance today and we’ll help answer any inquiries you may have.


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